Thursday, June 25, 2009

Just another reminder

I had this set back this afternoon, walked into this quick store in GF, looked at the price of some meds there, and without thinking after paying for my soda, walked out with a bottle of NyQuil not really needing it and not meaning to take it without paying for it, so I went back in to put it back, but the clerk just forgiving the situation, thought I was swiping it, called the locals, results I get a ticket, meaning on the first at 09:00 I have to go to court. I don't even know why I had the bottle in my hands , as I had bought aspirin, and just simply forgot to put the damn bottle of cold shit down. Okay I had a brain fart, but after all the fuel I have bought there I get sacked with this bull. Naw this joint is another point that this old Wolf don't belong here. Of the many places on the map to vacation or visit, Goon's Ferry ain't one of them. But it was just another reminder of why life elsewhere must be better. After next week I don't need to look at these horizons anymore. Welcome to the land of not.

L8R SpeedWrench

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What you see through the windshield

Had to go up near to MHI to fetch a truck this morning. It was 03:00 hours, something really simple, but hey never refuse money. On my way back through to home swung through GF, that old house on the hill I lived in seemed rather lonely. Kinda spooky. Although there is a few more weeks until I'm fully out of there, not sleeping there seemed strange somehow. Then as I was exiting town , some dillweed in some ride much worse than mine, tried to cut me off getting on the big road. OF course it had a E plate on it. I used to say Jerome'ers were the worst drivers in Idaho, but E county is running a serious second.

Okay then; caught the new AM Thunder on SpeedTV yet? If not your not missing much. That show should suffer a rapid death since its no where close to what it was with Michele Smith. Things do change but not always for the better.

More l8r


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When the Cell phone meets reality

There are times that doing something the old fashion way beats modern technology. Over the years I have been on and of again with cell phones. Oh don't get me wrong the little buggers are handy as hell, good to have and come in great for on road emergencies, but how much is that simple helper costing you? How about a regular old fashioned landline with a person on the other end working part time and using a two way radio? Not talking CB either. Roughly your getting pegged $1.00 a minute, every time you use that cell phone. My two way is free. Since I don't access a repeater, my usage only costs me the few milliwatts that Idaho Power provides at the house. Granted finding someone to work the phone that has their stuff together can be a chore, but even with all the red tape, its still cheaper to hire a people, set up a landline with an 800 number, get out the old Motorola's and just work tow calls that way. Looking at cell phones from a safe driving view. If your farting around with a cell phone, your not paying attention to what your hooked up to, or traffic or road conditions. You are inattentative . If I'm in the truck I never , no how answer the cell phone while I'm driving. If I can I'll pull off the road and see who called and call em back. If they don't answer its no big sweat since they were in no big hurry either. I got my cell bill the other day, nearly $400.00. Now of course I'll pay it since it is a tool I use for going towing, but I also got my landline and that gets paid first. And when you call the phone company most of the time you talk to someone in THIS COUNTRY, if you call A.T.&.T. or some other you talk to someone in Brazil or somewhere, who barely can't speak english. And no matter how they record the call for training and customer help, it ain't much help. Ask a difficult question and your on hold for an hour, using up YOUR cell minutes. They say its free, bullsbreath, look at your bill. As for me? This Highway Hooker has gave up cell phones. More some other time, keep hooking,


Friday, June 19, 2009

Another week in Hell


I always as a young Wolf Pup , wondered what Hell would be like. Friends, I have seen Hell  on Earth. It has the name Elmore County Idaho. Now by all fairness I do have to say, that there are exceptions to this rule. MHI has some albeit few, but some nice people. One where I fuel there, one where I cash my bi-monthly checks, and one where when in the clannish town, I get snuff. Bringing up the rear, where I occasionally tie on the feed bag. But that's where it all ends. I suppose that the few that have badgered me and the Knytes online are but a limited bunch of meth heads as well as plain loosers, but they are enuff to give me a ass ache. One even said he wants to meet to settle things I say, bring it on, thing is though, he'd better get busy cuzz this old Wolf is outta here by a week from Monday. After that the bastard better be ready to take a road trip cuzz once I move I'll have no reason cept maybe going to Boise 3 times a year , to roll through this place on Earth called Hell.

I finger that who ever sucked out the two near full tanks of go fluid, must have done it between 0500 hours to 10:00 hours when I sleep. It also had to be someone who had to look where to find the fuel caps, but in any case the event spent $80.00 of my hard imported dollars. Someone was looking at buying this place that I reside in, Dennis from Three Island was showing it the other day, my advice to the couple, DON"T BUY NOTHING IN GF OR ELMORE COUNTY, unless you have been born, raised and all here. As I said elsewhere this place is really Hell on Earth, glad I'm outta here. Keep it hooking,


Quote of the Day:
In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place.
--“Mahatma” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome to our Cat House

I have been getting a tickle out of watching Wrecked on SpeedTV it is a tow show. Hmmm Didn't the HCTTA have that idea a few years back? Guess so, but guess who got it. One of the worst feelings in the world at least for us in towing, is to get a call for a good tow, after months of not, and finding your fuel tanks empty. Now I know there was go fluid in LexiBelle last week cuzz I filled her, considering the move to Bliss. Although Bliss never happened now that 80 miles east of here is where the anchor gets dropped. Yup back in the Mini Cassia area for us. But so then I get in to fire LexiBelle no fuel, had to hand the call off to a fellow HCTTA member, but thing is from now on I'm purposely staying up nights watching LexiBelle. Someone even gets close that don't belong there gets whacked. No more MR. Nice Passive guy. Its funny somehow, not funny ha-ha, but funny Ironic, LexiBelle rests in mid town Bountiful, for two years nothing gets messed with, rests in Heyburn Idaho , nothing gets touched, yet she rests in GF here and all of a sudden since I'm about to bid this shit hole adios, no fuel. Bastards wont do it again though, locking fuel caps for one is on LexiBelle, and two a Sheriffs report was taken. I have my suspicions of the who or parties involved here, but you'd think they'd be glad I was going and not hinder the mission. Oh Well, give er hell right? In future editions here you'll get a front row seat as Southern Thunder is resurrected. Stay hooking,

The Highway Hooker