Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When the Cell phone meets reality

There are times that doing something the old fashion way beats modern technology. Over the years I have been on and of again with cell phones. Oh don't get me wrong the little buggers are handy as hell, good to have and come in great for on road emergencies, but how much is that simple helper costing you? How about a regular old fashioned landline with a person on the other end working part time and using a two way radio? Not talking CB either. Roughly your getting pegged $1.00 a minute, every time you use that cell phone. My two way is free. Since I don't access a repeater, my usage only costs me the few milliwatts that Idaho Power provides at the house. Granted finding someone to work the phone that has their stuff together can be a chore, but even with all the red tape, its still cheaper to hire a people, set up a landline with an 800 number, get out the old Motorola's and just work tow calls that way. Looking at cell phones from a safe driving view. If your farting around with a cell phone, your not paying attention to what your hooked up to, or traffic or road conditions. You are inattentative . If I'm in the truck I never , no how answer the cell phone while I'm driving. If I can I'll pull off the road and see who called and call em back. If they don't answer its no big sweat since they were in no big hurry either. I got my cell bill the other day, nearly $400.00. Now of course I'll pay it since it is a tool I use for going towing, but I also got my landline and that gets paid first. And when you call the phone company most of the time you talk to someone in THIS COUNTRY, if you call A.T.&.T. or some other you talk to someone in Brazil or somewhere, who barely can't speak english. And no matter how they record the call for training and customer help, it ain't much help. Ask a difficult question and your on hold for an hour, using up YOUR cell minutes. They say its free, bullsbreath, look at your bill. As for me? This Highway Hooker has gave up cell phones. More some other time, keep hooking,
